
Foraging academy

Foraging academy

Foraging academy

multiple day foraging course

 €225,- p.p

Pictures © Copyrights –  Rosa Meininger photography

Year-round foraging

The foraging academy is a year-round course, designed for anyone who wants to have a more in depth knowledge in foraging. The best thing about the course is that you can put together your own training program by choosing 4 foraging walks of your preferance. Besides that you can access the 6 online lessons and extra course material where and whenever you want.

The course program takes place in various locations, like forests, and organic farms. But also in cities, so you will be able to forage everywhere without any doubts. Throughout the course, participants will learn how to identify plants, trees, berries and mushrooms, how to forage responsibly, how to prepare and cook wild edibles, how to can and store them and much more!

The training program is split over eight months, beginning in March and ending in December, with each session taking place at different times of the year, so you will experience every season. You choose which subjects you want by choosing 4 foraging walks of your interest. I will also provide take-home information after and before the field trips, to really learn in depth about wild plants and to practice your new foraging skills. 

If you’re interested in this year-round foraging course, please contact me for any questions. I can’t wait to have you on board.

What do you harvest at the foraging academy?

  • 4 days of live foraging walks (saturdays 11:00 – 15:00) spread over 8 months
  • 1 live online course (18:00 – 20:00) on plantstories and folklore
  • 6 online lessons on plant-identification, reading the landscape, legal and safe foraging, plantfamilies
  • 12 clear lists of foraged plants for every month (downloadble)
  • + 180 edible wild plants in 10 months
  • The freedom to put together your own academy program 
  • A wealth of information and practical skills to take home with you 
  • All your questions answered online by our foraging guide and Kroos community
  • A life long membership of Mijn Kroos online community 
  • Seasonal foraging items, like nettle kimchi, herbal tonics and flowersoap

Foraging walks in every season

Watch online lessons where and whenever you want

The Foraging Academy 2025

Put together your own Foraging academy program



22/03                     Birch sap and blossoms – Make your own herbal tonic – Foodforest Hooge Zwaluwe / Breda

10/05                     Spring herbs  – Medicinal herbs foraging walk and botanic drawing – The Hague


24/05                     Edible flowers – Make your own elderflower lemonade and learn about edible flowers – Breda

14/06                     Flowers and berries – Make your own Sint johnswort massage oil –  ‘t Merkske, Belgium

05/07                     Flowers and berries – Make your own herbal soap – Wageningen


06/09                     Wild seeds and nuts – Make your own wild granolabar – Foodforest Chaam

04/10                      Edible wild mushrooms – Utrechtse heuvelrug

18/10                       Edible wild mushrooms – Oisterwijkse bossen


04/11                       Online course (18:00-20:00): Plantstories and folklore (This is an obligatory fixed date of the Foraging academy)

13/12                         Fermenting wild foods – Make your own nettle kimchi and wild ketchup – Eindhoven

Table of contents

Module 1: Introduction

  • Your foraging guide
  • Course structure
  • Table of contents
  • Join our online community
  • Wild v.s. domesticated
  • Foraging equipment
  • Booktips
  • Inspiration

Module 2: The basics

  • Foraging rules and ethics
  • Reflection excersize
  • 12 deadly plants
  • Safe foraging
  • Inspiration

Module 3: The plant

  • Introduction
  • Plant families
  • Life cycle
  • Biennials
  • Annuals
  • Quiz

Module 4: Plant ID

  • Introduction
  • Leaves
  • Leaf position
  • Assignments
  • Flower and stem
  • Trees and shrubs
  • Quiz

Module 5: Reading the landscape

  • Introduction
  • Soil types
  • Seaside
  • Food forests
  • Grasslands and roadsides
  • Forestst
  • Wetlands
  • Urban areas
  • Inspiration

Module 6: Extra’s 

Frequently asked questions

The Foraging Academy is a yearround course which combines various seasonal walks, where you will  be provided with more in depth information about foraging, plants, cooking and preserving. We go through the different seasons together and you can always ask me and an online community questions.

A seasonal walk is a foraging course of maximum 2,5 hours. It is perfect for you if you want to learn how to identify plants and get the basics of foraging. If you combine multiple seasonal walks through the year you can make yourself a foraging academy, but it is cheaper to join the Academy.

All the live foraging walks will be in English as well. Same as the online evening lessen ‘Plantnames and folkore’.

But the online learning enviroment is not yet avaible in English. You will have to have a certain level of Dutch to understand the online courses, but I can always help you along the way and you can translate the whole website through your browser.

Please let me know if you would like some more info about the multi language topic.

The application deadline for the Foraging academy is the 1th of march 2025. We start at the 15th of march. 

The applications open at October 1st 2024.

Do you want a reminder? Please send an email to

By registering to the Foraging academy you get a lifelong membership to Mijn Kroos. Choose your own login name and password at and get access to 3 online plant identifation courses and the online forum.

When you click on ‘Book now’ you will be guided to the webshop. When checking out you can select the 4 days of your preferance. 

I suggest to participate in 1 foraging walk in every season. So 1 in spring, 1 in summer, 1 in autumn and 1 in winter. This way you learn how to forage and look for wild edible plants in every season and in every landscape.

This is an online forum where your can chat with fellow foragers, ask questions and share pictures / information about plants and foraging. This is great because foraging is about gathering and sharing information and it makes it much easier to ID and harvest plants! You can meet likeminded people that love plants, foraging and nature as much as you do and spend time with them.

No, the Foraging academy is for everyone that is passionate about foraging and wants to have a more in depth training in foraging skills year round.  If you are not sure yet to book a spot for the academy please first try a seasonal foraging walk to get a bit more familiar with foraging.

The Foraging academy takes places in various locations all over the Netherlands, so you will discover wild foods in all places to be able to forage everywhere. The course days are mostly in Utrecht or another central location. We don’t go all the way to Groningen or Zeeland, so you don’t have to travel far. Most places are accesible by train and bus. 

Yes, that is possible. The Foraging academy only includes 4 live foraging walks, but you can always subscribe to and extra Seasonal foraging walk (€ 35,-) of your choice. Check out the agenda for all the foraging walk dates.

It depends on the day. We take into account any dietary wishes, so do not hesitate to email us with your dietary requests for any course. The meals at the academy are usually vegan, local and organic, because healthy food is highly important to us.

 Yes, please contact me through email to make an arrangement.

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